Arriving in Namibia, I experienced some culture shock after being the only foreigner and only white person around in Botswana. Windhoek was full of foreigners, and I heard at least 10 languages by the time I left the airport.
I was also really surprised by how far away the airport was – 45min into the city.
Points for free nights at a hotel, check-in, and seek out the vegan grub. I walked through a market and down some main streets to Klara’s Market, which had a ton of impressive vegan options, along with some horrendously bloody ‘fresh cuts of meat’. Can’t win them all, but this was the only thing on Happy Cow in the center of the city. Since they were closing, I got some things to take away and sought out a proper meal.
That turned out to be a real disappointment, because the only restaurant in the area on Happy Cow had actually closed and moved, so I wound up eating just french fries at some local fast food shop with my take-away burrito from earlier.
The city of Windhoek is really awesome. I walked up Fidel Castro street to the corner of Robert Mugabe to this really interesting church.
Nearby is a history museum and several historical sites, including an old fort and old jail. Obligatory statues, of course.
I walked around a bunch, but the pictures after dark didn’t turn out well, and I always doubt the security of taking pictures alone late at night, when someone might grab your phone.
Arriving back late at the hotel, I asked about the distance to the airport and what time I should get the van. To my wonderful surprise, they informed me that there’s construction at the airport, and half of the check-in/immigration facilities are closed, so add an extra 90min of expected wait time, plus the 45min drive, so plan to leave for the airport at least 3.5hrs before the flight, so I had to get up early just to see some more of the city.
I liked Windhoek. I really should’ve stayed longer.
That feeling was increased when I wound up chatting with some people in line in front of me at the airport, because they had done some amazing 6-day trek through the desert, saw tons of amazing sights and animals, and I was really feeling the “I didn’t do enough here” bug.
The only solace for that was seeing a bunch of baboons along the road on the way to the airport, but that won’t hold me over for long.
With my lounge pass for airports, I invited those 2 to join me, and they enjoyed the free snacks & drinks + free wifi.
Off to Nigeria!
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